Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Well, thank you so much for all the prayers, everyone! This morning's repeat procedure was a success! They were able to remove the port catheter tube after close to two hours. I can't tell you how thankful and happy I am that I won't need major surgery! I've seen the inside of way too many hospitals recently and hope it will be a very long time before I see another one... At least this part has come to an end. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers for continued healing. I truly appreciate it!

Friday, January 5, 2007

A Little Good News

Well, my mammogram results came back clear today! Yeah! I've been waiting since Dec. 27th. I know, only a little over a week, but it feels like forever when you're waiting! Thank you, God!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Surgery #3

Well, I met with the surgeon, and rather than have surgery right away, he’d like me to try the same procedure one more time with another internal radiologist at John Muir. That outpatient procedure is scheduled for 6:30 am on Tuesday (Jan. 9) at John Muir Walnut Creek. Because of where the 6-inch catheter is lodged, IF they can’t get it out on Tuesday, it will be major surgery where they will have to go through the sternum and possibly even have to stop my heart to get this ridiculous thing out. IF I do have to have that surgery, they will also take out the mass at the same time, to make it worth everyone’s time. Obviously I’d rather not have major surgery, because I DON’T HAVE TIME! My oncologist would rather just watch the mass and IF it grows, we will do radiation at that time. I will just have to wait and see how it goes. Please keep me in your prayers for this procedure to go well and for continued healing. Thanks so much.