Saturday, March 1, 2008

Hello everyone—
Well, I had my CT scan on Thursday morning and Thursday afternoon Aetna called to say they denied my PET scans again. Needless to say, we are appealing again (this time directly with Richard’s employer who owns the group plan).
Yesterday a nurse practitioner (not my usual one) called from my oncologist’s office with the results, but she is not familiar with my case, so she was hesitant to answer my questions. It seems like mostly good news, but I won’t know everything until Monday, when my doc is back in the office. The best part is that the CT shows no new growth, and that many of the lesions in my lungs are shrinking. The not so great part is that it looks like the main mass grew a centimeter, and there is some more fluid in my lung. I’m not worried about the fluid too much, because fluid is a side effect of the Gemzar. I am confused about the growth in the main mass, though, and will have some questions for my doc on Monday. She couldn’t find any reference in the report to the two spots on my lungs that were being tracked before (the one had shrunk to the point where it was undetectable by PET or CT and the other was almost undetectable). I’m hoping that’s because they were undetectable, and not because it’s a different radiologist reading the scan, but again I should know more on Monday. I’m assuming I’ll be continuing with chemo, but until I talk with the doc nothing is for sure. Please do keep me in your prayers, and I will report back next week. Thanks so much for all your support!


grizzlybeam said...

Mrs. K
You continue to be in our prayers and we just know there will be more good news Monday
Gabby and Andrea

The C Pod Journey said...

Overall, it sounds very positive and full of promise... and we continue to hold you in our daily prayers and our hearts... let us hear the confirmation of the good news once you hear it on Monday...
Cie and family