Thursday, March 6, 2008

Well, it sure did take a while to get the correct information, but it looks like the CT scan showed basically no change from my last scan in October. The information I was given on Friday was all incorrect, because the hospital based the comparison report on an old scan from 2006! I cannot tell you the emotional ups and downs they have put me through since Friday. I’m obviously condensing all that has happened, or you’d have a book to read right now. At one point yesterday, I was told everything had grown and we’d have to switch chemo drugs (and that I’d lose my hair again, etc.). Then as I was walking out of the office, the entire story changed when my doc called from his other office saying he had the actual report in his hands, nothing had changed and that we would be staying with Gemzar. Of course the really good news is always that there was no new growth. My concern now is that four months ago, you may remember the great news I had received was all based on a large reduction in cancerous activity, not size, so I am not shocked that the CT showed “basically no change.” I need a PET scan now more than ever to see what has happened with activity, so we will know how to proceed with treatments. We will have to find a way to pay for the PET until we can get Aetna to come around and pay up. I can’t tell you how much your prayers are helping me with support. Thank you so much!


The C Pod Journey said...
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The C Pod Journey said...

Good to hear things are on track! We're doubling up our energy and focus on our prayers for Aetna to come around and approve the PET scan right away. There has got to be someone who can be shown the absolute importance of this procedure...
Meanwhile, I've seen the work you have done with the "Thoroughly Modern Millie" cast and once again, you have taken these talented young men and women to new heights! The show rocks and you are a a key reason why! Congratulations and I hope everyone reading your blog will get tickets and see it - and hug you in person...
Love, always, Cie and family

Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad to hear that it's looking up! Hopefully Aetna steps up soon. You're still in my prayers, as always Mrs. K.
Sarah Spohn