Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hello everyone--
Well I thought I should update you on where I'm at. I was released from the hospital on Friday, May 16 and was so happy to return to school on Monday, May 19th, to be where I am truly happy--with my amazing students. In seven rehearsals we were able to bring together our end-of-the-year concert (thanks to a lot of help). On Thursday, many of my former and current students came together for the most beautiful benefit concert that they organized on my behalf to pay for PET scans. It was one of the most beautiful evenings of my life. I am so blessed!
This Tuesday, June 10th I will undergo a Thoracentesis at ValleyCare in Pleasanton--I know--I have no desire to go back to "jail," but it is an outpatient procedure. I will be back in school for the first of two graduation ceremonies on Wednesday. In this procedure they will be draining stuff from my lung and from the collection at the bottom of my heart. I hope this will help my breathlessness and they will be able to find out what caused my pneumonia. I am recovering from the pneumonia slowly, but I'm always out of breath and quite impatient waiting to regain my health. Once I've recovered, we will resume my chemo schedule.
Please keep me in your prayers that this procedure will go well and the results will be good ones! You know how I am going to love having a needle stuck in my back!!

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