Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hi everyone--
I thought I'd update you, since it's been a while. I just finished round 12 of chemo. I became a little anemic this last round again, so I got my Aranesp shot and now some of the tiredness is getting better. The last few weeks I've been exhausted. I'm not sure if my next scan will be after round 13 or round 14.
I still don't have any resolution with my toes. The angiogram also showed no significant circulation problems, and yet my toes are still blue, cold, numb and painful. Now they want to do an echocardiogram. I've been seeing doctor after doctor for over five weeks now and no one can figure it out. I'm a little worried because I've noticed the toenails on that foot are not even growing, and yet I get no reaction from the doctors when I tell them that. I'm thinking about acupuncture for the pain. I'm just saying my prayers and trusting I will have an answer sometime soon. Thank you so much for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers!


Frau Dr. Fleming said...

I have a wonderful acupuncturist, if you're looking for recommendations!

Sarah Palmer said...

After chemo, it's not unusual for hair or nails to stop growing for a while. Maybe that's the reason for your doctors not reacting to that info.