Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hello everyone,
I wanted to quickly update you on my City of Hope visit yesterday. They were wonderful. It was great to hear (and validating) that after reviewing all of my info, the totally agree with my course of treatment from what I've already had to where we are planning to go from here. My doc will be very happy and his head can now get even bigger. :)
My surgery on the paralyzed left vocal cord is on Friday and I have been counting down the days. Please keep all the medical professionals working on me, my doc and me in your thoughts and prayers on Friday at 1:00 as I have my surgery. I pray that it will be successful and that I will be TALKING and SINGING His praises again very soon!! I can't wait to be TALKING with you all again!


Sue O said...

JoAnn- I am privileged to pray for you. Your journey has been amazing. I praise God that I met Lucille this summer when I was working at MVPC Bible School.She is such an inspiration. I have read that you are a music teacher. I am a choir singer in my church. By singing his praises and being with my church family every week, I was able to have strength and worship our Lord in the midst of surgery and cancer. THe battle continues and I choose to put my faith in his presence and control.We'll pray for steady hands for your surgeons and God's presence in your life. Life up your voice and sing! Sue

Erin said...

Mrs. K-

You are a true beacon of hope to so many. Your journey has been far more difficult than any of us could ever imagine, yet you have traveled it with hope and optimism. I pray your surgery goes as planned Friday and that you are back with us talking and of course using that beautiful voice you have through song. Hugs love, and prayers!!!
