Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hello everyone—
Just a quick update on all the confusion: We appealed my PET scan issue to Richard’s employer (our Aetna plan through his employer), and they also denied us. At this point we are looking for legal representation. It is just not right that our own health insurance is not giving me the care that I need, and I feel I need to fight this not just for me but for patients that come after me. If anyone has a good referral for this kind of legal representation, we’re open.

I’m feeling fine 2/3 way through round seven of Gemzar. We know it is working, as after the review with the other nurse practitioner, when they told me everything had “stayed the same,” a few days later I spoke with my nurse practitioner and she told me that in actuality the lesions in my lungs had shrunk! Hallelujah! So my doctor and I are comfortable staying on Gemzar for a few more rounds and then we will have to find a way to pay for a PET scan.

Speaking of which, I really don't know how to thank the anonymous person that left the beautiful card and gift for me. It was one of the kindest things anyone has done and I know your reward will be great in heaven! I only wish I knew who you were so I could thank you in person!!

I am so blessed to have all of you reading this blog supporting me with your thoughts and prayers, because you are getting me through this—and I plan to kick this thing!!

Thank you all so much!

1 comment:

monika said...

I have been, and will be praying for you!

I'm sorry you have to deal with all the legal issues now.

Keep the updates coming, and I hope to see you soon.