Sunday, September 21, 2008

scan tomorrow

Hi everyone--
Well, it's been a little tough these past few weeks. I thought my voice was healing, but it's not. It's still the same, and it gets me down sometimes. On top of that, something has happened with my right foot. I already had neuropathy (numbness) in my feet, but now my big toe (and the other toes on that foot) are turning blue and cold. I don't have Diabetes or anything. The pain has kept me sleeping 2-3 hours max for the past two weeks. I've gone in for four different doctor's appointments and they can't really figure it out. I've tried absolutely everything for the pain (including Darvaset and Vicodin) and nothing does a bit of good. It's tolerable during the day, but I'm literally screaming from the pain at night. They did an ultrasound on my legs/feet on Friday and we should have the results tomorrow. The tech did go so far as to say there were no clots or anything that showed as needing immediate attention--just very puny veins, so that made me feel a little better while I wait the weekend. So far they think it is something called Raynaud's Phenomenon, where the little capillaries give off spasms. If so, I would need to see a Rheumatologist for it. I just want to be able to sleep through the night. Tomorrow morning I have a CT scan to see how my chemo has been working. I ask that you please keep me in your prayers and thoughts for good news on the scan, and healing of my voice and foot. It's been a tough few weeks, but I truly appreciate your love, support and especially prayers. I'm keeping positive...thanks everyone :)


Unknown said...

You are most definitely in my prayers Joann. God bless.

PL Paulsons said...

Hello Joanne:

You are in our thoughts and prayers always. That's the only thing that will get you and all of us through the things of this world that affect us so negatively, but through it all, we shall find strength in God, and he shall lift us up out of evil. He is our rock, and our savor, we/you shall not fear. God is watching over you Joanne, and he loves you very much, you're process is in his hands, and you're outcome victorious!

We love you and miss you much,

Love Lori and Shane Paulson