Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hi everyone--
Well, I've been in the ER all day. I'm home now. I wouldn't let them keep me in that jail overnight. There is something wrong wtih my heart. It's functioning at 45%. I guess that's probably why my toes are blue. I'm seeing a cardiologist tomorrow. Supposed to have chemo too, but I'm not sure that's going to happen. They did bloodwork, a chest x-ray, a CT angiogram, an echocardiogram and an EKG (all today). They want me home from work this week, but I plan to be back Monday. I hate being at home and miss my students. Please keep the prayers going--they are what gets me through all of this. Thanks so much everyone.


Margie said...

Joann, Please let me know if I can do anything at all, either at home for you or at school.
Our love and prayers are with you! You are one more step closer to getting to the bottom of this.
Love and hugs, Margie

veronique kaplinsky said...


You have been in my thoughts and prayers through all this. I admire your courage , and wish you better health with all my heart.
Love from Veronique, George, Cassandre, and Christophe.