Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Hallelujah my CT scan came back with everything remaining stable! We’re coming from the last PET/CT showing growth, so that means things have stopped growing and we’re hoping the next scan shows reversal/shrinkage. There was no new growth, and that’s always what I pray for. I will continue with chemo (Gemzar) round 12 starting tomorrow. There is still some fluid in my left lung (Gemzar is a known fluid-maker) and my oncologist and surgeon are getting together to make a plan for that. Everything is good around my heart again, so the CT scan was pretty much good all the way around.
The ultrasound results came in showing no clots, but they will be doing a further vein study because of my puny veins (injecting the dye into the veins for the study). That should just be a BLAST. The pain is still keeping me up, but last night was a little better. I’m thinking at some point I’m just going to collapse from sleep deprivation, but so far I’m still going like the “Energizer bunny.” I will be home from school today, seeing the Rheumatologist about my foot, so hopefully I’ll get some relief soon.
Still waiting for the voice to heal… Thanks so much for the prayers & support everyone. They really do keep me going!


Lishka said...

Yay! That's so great Mrs. K. :)

-Alyssa MB

Anonymous said...

yayyy!!! hope 4 the best mrs.K! =D


Devin said...

Those tests do not sound like fun, but you'll do fine. Great news!