Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Well, thank you so much for all the prayers, everyone! This morning's repeat procedure was a success! They were able to remove the port catheter tube after close to two hours. I can't tell you how thankful and happy I am that I won't need major surgery! I've seen the inside of way too many hospitals recently and hope it will be a very long time before I see another one... At least this part has come to an end. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers for continued healing. I truly appreciate it!


Sally said...

I'm so happy for you JoAnn! We'll still keep those prayers and best wishes shootn' up!


Griffiths Family said...

Great news JoAnn, we are believing in a complete healing, you are in our prayers always!

Lee and Family

yzchois said...

yahoo! good news for the new year - finally! will continue to send good energy and prayers to you. luv2u, yvonne

The C Pod Journey said...

Mrs. K - wow, what fantastic news. We're all so thankful for the blessing of the successful surgery!! And our thoughts, prayers and positive energy continue to hold you tight!
Congratulations and thanks for the updates...
Hugs and more hugs, always, Cie, Hans and family

The Dolab Family said...

HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!! Dearest JoAnn, what glorious news!!!!!!!!!! God is so good and so faithful, and Sweet JoAnn, it is your strong faith that we know Our Heavenly Father and Lord and Saviour Jesus honors!!!!!!!!!!
We are praising the Lord and send you big hugs and kisses, precious JoAnn!!!!!!!! Lovingly, Uncle Jack and Aunt Lucy

Sue T. said...

That's great news, JoAnn. Let's hope this news is the turning point for a great 2007!

Ivy said...

A new year
A new beginning
That's awesome news!